Go Skateboarding Day 2021 – Nicosia, Cyprus

Better late than never, enjoy the footage from this year’s (2021) Go Skateboarding Day Event in a nicely built montage (docu style)! The event took place on the 20th of June in Nicosia, Cyprus. Big ups to Christian, Nadiotis, Mandilas, Rappas, Robbie, Aresti, youngsters Andreas Savva and Dionisis, Paraskeva, Stevie and Charis Ioannou who managed to take home prizes from us (the organizers) and from our good sponsors. Shout out to Tony, Niparistas and Tasos who were part of the crew and they nailed some bangers, too. Of course, big ups to all that came down, from all over the island, to join…

éS in Cyprus

Can you believe it? The éS International Team was in Cyprus with Kellen James, Kevin Terpening, Josh Matthews, Gauthier Rouger, Tyler Surrey, Jimmy Carlin and Kevin Romar.  Check out the video featuring also local rider Stefanos Aradipiotis!  

First International Pros in Cyprus – Planet Earth Team

Steve Nesser, Kenny Reed, Ed Selego, team riders of Planet Earth along with Boaz Aquino visited Cyprus and Dubai back in 2006. Check out the videos from their tour! Steve Nesser, also, backside nosegrinded the Zena Palace big stairs (3rd video at 02:30) and the video got featured in the Birdhouse video “The Beginning”. Probably is the first international video featuring a spot in Cyprus, putting Cyprus in the International skate map! Videos by Benji Meyer    

Skatepark Nicosia Grand Opening

This is the official video of the event​ that was held on 02 November 2019 at Agios Andreas Skatepark in Nicosia, was powered by Vans​ and co-organised by NicosiaMunicipality​ and Stay_K​ Skateboarding​. The main part of the event featured three competitions: Highest Ollie, Best Run and the Stay_K ‘Trick for Treat’ challenges. On the Highest Ollie, Tasos Panayi and Yiotis Evangelou stood out. On the Best Run, Yiotis took 4th, Stevie Alvanos took 3rd, Nikolas ‘Nipa’ Ioannou 2nd and Tasos took 1st place. For…

Back to Platia

Το να βλέπεις μερικούς από τους καλυτέρους skateboarders από όλη την Κύπρο μαζεμένους σε ένα spot για το ποιος θα κάνει το καλύτερο κόλπο είναι κάτι που δεν βλέπεις αρκετά συχνά. Έτσι λοιπόν στις 10 Απριλίου 2010 στην Πλατεία Παναγίας Παλλουριώτισσας μαζεύτηκε μεγάλος αριθμός από την κυπριακή κοινότητα του skateboard για να υποστήριξη το event BACK TO PLATIA. Το event διοργανώθηκε από εμάς τους local skateboarders της πλατείας για να υποστηρίξουμε και να προωθήσουμε το κυπριακό skateboarding. Μεσώ του event είχαμε την ευκαιρία να δούμε παλιούς φίλους, να περάσουμε αξέχαστες στιγμές και να δούμε τις ικανότητες της νέας γενιάς, που αποτι φαίνεται είναι αρκετά υποσχόμενη. Κατά την διάρκεια του event έγιναν 2 διαγωνισμοί best trick, ένας στο transfer και ένας στα 2 πλατύσκαλα. Πιο κάτω οι νικητές: TRANSFER: 1st: Κωνσταντίνος “Kammas” Ζεβλαρης (switch krooked 180 out) 2nd: Ανδρεας…

Go Skate Day 2005

This was perhaps the first ever Go Skate day in Cyprus. It was organised by ThreeSixty skateshop and its team back in 2005. We first went to Zena Palace and then at the Agalma Square.

Threesixty 1st Annual Skate Event

The ThreeSixty 1st annual skate event was perhaps the first skate event in Cyprus. It was at Pallouriotissas Square on the 8th of July 2005 with guest skaters from Greece, Damian Argi, Giotis Kourtsoglou and Dimitris “Dicky” Bury. Check out the video from the event and a couple of photos.
